Wi-Gear presents iMuffs - The first wireless headphones for your iPod and Bluetooth phone!
Cool idea--retailing around $160, they're pricey, but going wireless is absolutely the right way to go. Unfortunately, based on the little connector on the top of the unit, these will not work with the iPod video (Apple, for some reason, did away with the remote connector that the older iPods had on the top--newer peripherals all must connect through the dock connector on the bottom of the unit).
I'm sure they will be releasing a unit soon that works through the dock connector. I'll keep my eyes peeled!
One more comment--they need to add a microphone and give you the ability to listen to your tunes on the 'pod and then seamlessly take a call on your phone. I am forever yanking my ear buds out and putting my headset on when my phone rings!